Angela Encerrado Presents at the First Annual ADEPT Symposium.
Presenting our ongoing study on “Using xenobiotic efflux transporters interactions as a proxy to predict pesticide bioaccumulation in honeybees” at the 2023 First Annual ADEPT Symposium in Davis, CA.
Congrats Zeke Spooner! – 2023 Citation for Outstanding Performance
Zeke received the Citation for Outstanding Performance in Environmental Toxicology 2023 for outstanding undergraduate students who have truly distinguished themselves, through academic excellence, leadership, and their involvement in research.
And so it begins: New collaboration between UC Davis, USDA-ARS and CAMS LLNL.
We are pleased to announce that the Nicklisch laboratory, represented by Dr. Nicklisch and Angela , have begun a new collaborative project with Dr. Buchholz at the Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (CAMS) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in partnership with Dr. Fine from USDA-ARS.
The focus of this joint effort is the study of pesticides in honey bee hives, and the project has received funding from both the Pam-Costco fellowship and the LFRP fellowship. The research will be conducted over the next two years, with PhD candidate Angela Encerrado leading the project in Davis and Livermore.
This collaboration will bring together the unique expertise of the Nicklisch laboratory in analytical chemistry, the Fine laboratory in entomology, and the CAMS team’s expertise in accelerator mass spectrometry. The goal of the project is to better understand the exposure of honey bees to pesticides and to develop strategies for promoting sustainable agriculture.
We are excited to see the outcomes of this project and the potential positive impact it could have on honey bee populations and our environment.
Congrats Matthew – M.S. Graduate
Matthew Michel graduated with a Master of Science from the Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry Group. During his time at the Nicklisch Laboratory Matthew worked on the design of database tools analyzing transporter-chemical interactions and method development projects for isolating vacuoles from plant tissue.
In the future Matthew wants to continue to do work with agricultural chemistry, specifically in plant breeding and molecular characterization of crops.
All the best wishes in his future endeavors for M.S. Matthew Michel!
Congrats Angela – UC LFRP 2023 Recipient
Angela received the UC LFRP 2023 AAUW In-Residence National Laboratory Graduate Fellowship which will allow her to collaborate with Dr. Bruce A. Buchholz at the AMS facility in LLNL. Her project was selected for two years of full scholarship.
Congrats Angela: AAUW International Doctoral Fellowship 2022
Angela received the 2022-23 AAUW International Doctoral Fellowship award for her research proposal on chemical exposure effects on queen and worker bee gut microbiome structure and health.
Congrats Angela: 2022 Jastro-Shields Award Recipient
PhD student Angela Encerrado received the 2022 Jastro-Shields fellowship award for her research proposal on metabolism of pesticides in honeybee colony members.
Congrats Angela – 2022-2025 PAm-Costco Scholarship
Angela received the highly competitive 2022 PAm-Costco USA Scholarship for outstanding scholars who are dedicated to making an impact on honey bee health and the sustainability of beekeeping. Her project won first place for 3 years of full scholarship.
Lily Hinh Presents at the 2022 CBS Dean’s Circle Undergraduate Research Conference
Recent graduate Lily Hinh presented her poster titled Impacts of Transporter-Chemical Interactions and the Importance of a Database at the CBS Dean’s Circle Undergraduate Research Conference. Her poster highlights her work supporting database development and data curation and made the case for cataloguing transporter-chemical interactions in a centralized and all-inclusive database.