Master’s student Matthew Michel was awarded additional Jastro-Shields funding for his research proposal to characterize the vacuolar transport of lignin monomers during cell wall synthesis. Matthew has been growing Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress), Picea abies (Norway spruce), and Medicago sativa (alfalfa) to explore using different plant tissues for transport characterization experiments.
Congrats Angela – 2021 Fumio Matsumura Graduate Award
PhD student Angela Encerrado received the 2021 Fumio Matsumura Graduate Award for her research proposal on the “Effects of Pesticides/PFAS co-exposures on queen and worker bee gut microbial community structure and health“.
Congrats Angela and Matthew: 2021 Jastro-Shields Award Recipients
PhD student Angela Encerrado and masters student Matthew Michel both received the 2021 Jastro-Shields fellowship award for their research proposals on the honeybee gut microbiome and lignin monomer transporters respectively.
Congrats Angela – 2021 ADEPT Fellowship Award
PhD student Angela Encerrado receives the 2021 ADEPT award for her research proposal to investigate pesticide interactions with the honeybee gut microbiome!
Congrats Amara – 2021 ASBMB Graduate Student Researcher Award
Amara receives the 2021 ASBMB Graduate Student Researcher Award to present her poster on “Effects of pesticide mixtures on xenobiotic efflux transporter P-glycoprotein in the European Honeybee” at the 2021 Experimental Biology Meeting (virtual due to COVID-19).
Congrats Cristela – 2020 SACNAS Award
Cristela receives 2020 SACNAS Award for Outstanding Research Presentation for her project on “The Role of Multiethnic P-Glycoprotein Drug Transporter Variants in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity (CIPN)” at the National Diversity in STEM Conference.
Congrats Amara – Henry A. Jastro Research Award 2020-2021
Amara receives the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Award 2020-2021 for her project on “Effects of pesticide mixtures on protective efflux transporters in honeybees“.
Congrats Amara – ASBMB Graduate 2020 Travel Award
Amara receives the 2020 ASBMB Graduate Travel Award to present her research on “Interactions of Pesticides with Drug Efflux Transporter P-glycoprotein in the European Honeybee” at the Experimental Biology Meeting in San Diego (Update: EB 2020 got cancelled due to COVID-19). Foto: Amara at the UC Davis Honey Bee Haven to collect bee specimen for her analysis.
2020 NorCal SETAC Winter Social Talk
Thanks Aniela (left) and organizers for the invitation to the Keynote Presentation at the NorCal SETAC Winter Social Event at Dunloe Brewing Company, Davis.
Congrats Cristela – 2019 McNair Scholars Program
Undergraduate Cristela Samaniego in the Nicklisch Lab receives 2019 McNair Scholars Fellowship. The 2-year program is funded by TRIO and the U.S. Department of Education and designed to encourage underrepresented students in graduate programs to pursue doctoral degrees.