Undergraduate Cristela Samaniego in the Nicklisch Lab receives 2019 McNair Scholars Fellowship. The 2-year program is funded by TRIO and the U.S. Department of Education and designed to encourage underrepresented students in graduate programs to pursue doctoral degrees.
First Generation Faculty – Reflective Teaching Campaign 2019
The picture shows Dr. Nicklisch (right) and his students Amara Pouv (center) and Sahadeva Singh (left) evaluating protein purification data in the lab. As a member of the inaugural First Generation Faculty Learning Community, Dr. Nicklisch reflected on the following prompt: How does being a first gen faculty member change the way you teach? (LINK)
Tony’s Presentation at 2019 SACNAS Conference
Tony Vega is presenting his data on tuna drug transporter cloning and expression at the 2019 SACNAS – The National Diversity in STEM Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii.
2019 ACCELERATE Fellowship for Inclusive and Equitable e-Learning
Dr. Nicklisch receives the 2019 ACCELERATE Fellowship to help transforming face-to-face (F2F) courses into hybrid and online courses.
Congrats Tony – MURPPS Scholar Summer 2019
Undergraduate Tony Vega in the Nicklisch Lab receives 2019 MURPPS Scholar Fellowship for his project on “Optimization of recombinant mammalian and fish drug transporter expression in Escherichia coli“.
2019 First-Generation Faculty Learning Community
Dr. Nicklisch receives the 2019 First Generation Faculty Learning Community (FGFLC) Award to help developing the “Confidence Carpentry” program for teaching First-Gen students how to effectively prepare and practice confident and professional research presentations.
SOT 2017 Meeting – Baltimore
Nicklisch and co-authors of his SOT award-winning paper want to understand what makes some chemicals persist in the environment, so that these properties can be avoided when chemicals are designed. (Photo courtesy of Virginia Guidry)
The Future of Aquaculture – 2014
Researcher Sascha Nicklisch (right) explains his science conducted in Dr. Amro Hamdoun’s lab at Scripps Institution of Oceanography.